Thursday, December 8

How do I improve my life?

Alot of my people ask me how do I improve my life or how can they improve their life? Regardless in which aspect do you desire to improve in, the answer is very simple.

To improve your life, you've got to be better than yesterday. Each day, I just have to be better than yesterday. By the end of the week, you have already improved your life.

Wednesday, November 30

The emotions of a young landlord

End of this year marks the 6th year of me being a landlord though it surely feels longer than that. I've been landlord to retailers, fish hobbyists, business owners and home seekers. 6 years being a landlord, frankly, tough is the word to describe. I encounter many kinds of people. Some are very nice, some are not so nice and some are a disaster. Almost everyday, I have got to solved many issues for a lot of people. Issues is just a nice word to disguise problem. Some personal problems, some work-related problems, sometimes it's not my problem, sometimes they are the problem and of course sometimes, I am the problem. All these problems, I can either go fix it  or learn how to fix it. I have become a problem solver as days goes by. Now, do you still think my job is easy? It's an interesting job but it's not an easy job and apart from these, there is something else I have to deal with which I dislike.

3 days ago, I welcome 2 new nice tenants in my office but I also have to bid 2 exchange students farewell in the evening. Although the interaction with the students are very minimal but I still can’t help but to feel a tinge of sadness when I was bidding them farewell and wish them a pleasant trip back to their home country in Sweden. I probably will not see them ever again and they probably didn't make an impact in my life.

I have to handle some complains from their housemates but I understand they are young. They just a little messy and always didn't clean up after their meals. Other than that, they are very nice young ladies. When I was at their age, I have a pretty much messed-up house. I have to practically walk through my stuffs to reach my room. It’s wasn’t easy to get to my room. Guess what? It didn't help when you are staying alone; But at least there is no one to nag at you. When you grow older, you become very particular about cleanliness. You want a clean and tidy house to live in and you don’t want visitors like ants and roaches. I guess everyone pretty much went through the same process of growing up.

I've always try to refrain myself from getting too close to the tenants so that I'll have lesser heartache when they leave. Being a landlord is like a train, passengers come onboard, they reached their destination, they will have to alight and new passengers will come onboard. It's part and parcel of my work, my life. I never like to say goodbye to a tenant especially those nice ones. Many times, I’ve to defy my inner thoughts to bid them goodbye and wish them well and as well as to hide away my sadness.

6 years ago, I thought I was too green, too emotional and I thought I will grow out of it. 6 years later, it's just me. :)